The feeling of double consciousness is draining. I would like to argue that black women have a triple consciousness. We see our father and brothers die, we see our mothers and sister carrying their crosses along with the crosses of our fallen family. We harbor the anger of past generations of our wombs. We suppress our roots in an act to feel a sense of belonging in a spiritless culture. We give in to people without a culture. We allow ourselves to be stripped like the continent of origin. They took our gold, now they take our melanin. They took our educational advancements, now the suppress our education. Oh black women I see the pain in your eyes, the anger in your womb, and the strength of the ancestors in your skin and bones. While the black women of today may have a triple consciousness, we are still our ancestor’s wildest dreams. Oh, product of an African who was a slave see your worth. See your beauty and believe in it. Our love is a source they seek to break. We love despite the pain and degradation. Beautiful Nubian queens do not let your crown fall. You cannot carry loads of our black men. You must encourage people to bare their own demons. You can guide but you cannot fix. Beautiful Nubian Queen, what have you down to remove the poison from your own system? They have poisoned your mind body and soul. The anger, the pain, the self-loathing. I see it in you. Cleanse yourself. Who are you to yourself? Stop giving the best parts of yourself away. You are worth it. You are always joining the fight against injustice for others. When are you going to start fighting for yourself?
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